Interactive Complex Function Viewer
Enter a complex expression in z:

This tool visualizes the conformal map associated with a complex function. Try zooming and panning around to explore the beautiful world within these functions. The tool is implemented with WebGPU for real-time interactivity. Check it out!

Some maps to try include:
* 1/z
* z^2
* sqrt(z) 
* iter(z+z'^i,10)  
* 1/z+z/i
* sin(z)
* 1/sqrt(z)
* sqrt(z-z^2)+1/z-z^2

The scalar parameter t starts at 0 and increases at a rate of by 1/s. You can use t to add mesmerizing animation to the complex function. One may also use iter for iterative complex functions like so: iter(z+z'^2,30).

The complete list of supported operations are as follows: +, -, *, /, ^, sqrt, log, sin, cos, sinh, cosh, tan, tanh, asin, acos, atan, gamma, and iter. The constants e and pi are also included.
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